Sponsorship Opportunities

HandshakeAt CHI, we design our programming with your business initiatives in mind. By creating focused, scientific agendas, we provide you with a progressive venue to reach the industry professionals vital to your company’s success. The opportunities listed below can be taken individually, or combined in countless combinations to maximize your resources, and ensure a successful event.

Whether you’re targeting the entire conference, topic-specific communities, or individual, high-level decision makers, we offer a variety of methods to access our esteemed delegation.

Sponsorship Opp  Graphic

Many of our sponsorship and exhibit offerings include extra registrations for your team, logo attribution on our conference and marketing materials, access to the delegate list, and more. You can select from our pre-fabricated sponsorship programs or we can create a custom, comprehensive package that will not only help you achieve your marketing goals, but accommodate your budget as well.

For additional information regarding sponsorship and exhibit availability, please contact::


Companies A-K
Ilana Quigley
Senior Manager, Business Development
(+1) 781-972-5457 | iquigley@healthtech.com


Companies L-Z
Patty Rose
Sr. Business Development Manager
(+1) 781.972.1349 | prose@healthtech.com
